ASCIA CFAR Hotpubs applications

ASCIA 2024 Conference CFAR Hot Publications - Call for abstract submissions

Calling all CFAR Masters, PhD and EMCR members! It's time to submit your Hot Pubs abstracts for the 2024 ASCIA-CFAR Symposium Day on Wednesday 4 September.

Successful applicants will receive a CFAR3 Travel Grant to present their work at the ASCIA CFAR Hot Publications session chaired by CFAR3 Chief Investigator Professor Andreas Lopata and CFAR3 Associate Investigator Dr Vicki McWilliam.

CFAR Hot Pubs must align with the CFAR3 mission and include at least one CFAR3 Chief or Associate Investigator as a co-author.

Travel Grants now available

CFAR is proud to support emerging food allergy experts and will award CFAR3 2024 Round 2 Travel Grants to successful applicants, covering:

  • Your flights (Red-E deal or equivalent)​
  • 1 night accommodation and meals up to $A310.70 (as per ATO ‘Reasonable expenses’ rates)​
  • Early bird registration for the ASCIA CFAR Symposium Day in person ($A280-380) or virtual attendance ($A220-250)

Application process


CFAR Travel Grants

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